DVS 2024 Compliant.
A.I. Monitor Detection of VRUs.
Audible Spoken Warnings in response to Detection.
2-3 Hours Installation Time.
The most Cost-Effective Kit to service your fleet.
2 Ch. or 4 Ch.
Recording Capabilities SD CARD Compatible. Comes with 256GB SD Card.
The most simple, hassle free DVS 2024 Upgrade in the market.
The bMEye - from
All you need to Comply and perform routes through Greater London.
The reliable bMeye.
This Kit will get your fleet going, with a cost like this that opens up bigger opportunities in Greater London -why are we still here.
Join the movement of avoiding TFL Fines. This Kit gets to the point, simply put you will comply, record as you’re on the road, and detect dangers.
Certificates will be provided on completion of Installations.
Self-Installations are something Clients opt-in for to save their costs even further.
Although if you want to keep your steering wheels clean and a professional to complete this, we’ll sort out your installation from £550+vat.
The installation date will depend on the availability of our installer, the earlier orders are confirmed the sooner we can confirm installation dates for our busy Installers.